Raising the Standard in Fossil Calibration

The Fossil Calibration Database is a curated collection of well-justified calibrations, including many published in the journal Palaeontologia Electronica. We also promote best practices for justifying fossil calibrations and citing calibrations properly.

SELECT DISTINCT calibration_id FROM calibrations_by_NCBI_clade WHERE (clade_root_multitree_id = '-1690' AND is_direct_relationship = 1 AND is_custom_child_node != 1) AND calibration_id IN (SELECT CalibrationID FROM calibrations WHERE PublicationStatus = 4)
SELECT DISTINCT calibration_id FROM calibrations_by_NCBI_clade WHERE (clade_root_multitree_id = '-1690' AND is_custom_child_node = 1)
Browse the NCBI taxonomy — you can also search for calibrations in the database

There were no calibrations found in your requested clade. This is the nearest enclosing clade with calibrations.

Neognathae (NCBI:30447, mID:-1690)

There are no calibrations directly attached to Neognathae.

Calibrations within clade members
